How do I fix a faulty window lock?

How do I fix a faulty window lock?

If you have a UPVC window that won’t lock or open properly, you might be wondering how to fix it yourself. Here are some steps you can try before calling a professional locksmith or window repair service.

  1. Check the handle and the key. Sometimes, the problem is as simple as a loose handle or a worn-out key that doesn’t turn smoothly in the lock. You can try tightening the screws on the handle or using some lubricant on the key and the lock cylinder.
  2. Check the alignment of the window and the frame. If your window is misaligned, it might prevent the locking mechanism from engaging properly. You can try adjusting the hinges or using some shims to level the window and make sure it closes tightly against the frame.
  3. Check the seal and the locking gearbox. If your window still won’t lock, you might need to access the internal parts of the lock. To do this, you’ll need to remove the seal around the window frame using a flat screwdriver and pull it out of its groove. Then, use a torch to see into the gap between the frame and sash and insert a small allen key into it to grab the locking cams. This can be quite difficult to do and may take some time to release the locking gearbox from its position inside the frame, and this procedure may also damage your seals.
  4. Replace or repair the faulty parts. Once you have removed the locking gearbox, you can inspect it for any signs of damage or wear. If it’s broken or rusted, you’ll need to replace it with a new one that matches the type and size of your window lock.

If it’s dirty or jammed, you can try cleaning it with some WD-40 or similar spray and testing it for smooth operation.

5. Let the experts fix your jammed window or faulty window lock

If you’re not confident about doing these steps yourself, or if you encounter any difficulties along the way, you should contact Window Geeks for professional help.

Window Geeks are experts in UPVC window lock repairs and replacements, and they can fix any type of window problem quickly and efficiently.

They offer free quotes, no call-out fees, and a 2-year guarantee on all their work.

They also offer a wide range of other services including replacement glass, handles, hinges & seals.

So don’t let a faulty window lock ruin your comfort or home security. If you live in either Widnes, Runcorn, St Helens,, Warrington or surrounding areas in Cheshire, UK then call Window Geeks today on 0800 5 118 007 or click here to Contact Us.

Window Geeks are your local UPVC window specialists, and they’ll make sure your windows are working perfectly again in no time.