St Helens Window & Door Repairs

Call us now on 01744 520017

If you have a misted-up, steamed-up or cracked double glazed unit that needs replacing, or a faulty window, door or conservatory that needs repair in St Helens, then we can help. We are rated the top window and door repairs specialist in the St Helens area.

Replacement Glass

Whether you need a replacement glass, a faulty window or door lock that needs replacing, window & door seals that need refreshing, faulty or broken hinges or window and door handles that need checking out, or even a leaking conservatory, then give us a call. In fact we can solve nearly any problem you have with a Upvc or aluminium window or door.

Faulty Window & Door Locks

Maybe your front door lock sticks, you have a jammed window, you have lost keys or your french doors are dropped and don’t work as they used to. We can sort these problems too, with minimum of cost and fuss.

Fully Guaranteed and Insured

All of our work is fully guaranteed and insured. Watch out for other companies who aren’t qualified enough to carry out repairs properly, aren’t insured, offer promised guarantees that they don’t back up or who use inferior quality parts or cut corners with their repairs..

We’ll make sure we do a good job, we’ll also only charge you for work that actually needs doing and give you a generous 2 year guarantee on replacement parts like locks, handles and hinges, and a 10 year guarantee on our glass products.

Your local engineers Adam & Antony cover St Helens, so you will be dealing with a local company that has an impressive track record of great prices, great customer service, excellent customer feedback and generous guarantees, so remember to call us for all of your replacement glass and window or door repair needs.

Great customer feedback

We’re confident that you’ll be happy with our service, in fact check out these independent reviews from others who have used us. See Reviews Here

So call us now for your FREE ‘No Obligation’ Quote on 0800 5 118 007, or contact us via the contact form by clicking HERE.

Windowgeeks in St Helens also offer:

  • Free ‘No Obligation’ Quotes
  • No Call Out fees
  • No Minimum Order values
  • No Credit card charges
  • No deposits
  • Competitive pricing
  • Generous Guarantees

Some people attempt window and door repairs themselves, but if you don’t have the relevant experience you will run into difficulties as this is a specialist trade. We are often called to fix diy window and door repair jobs.Why pay out twice for yours?

So call us today..